Advanced MRI

At Misr Radiology Center, we perform most of the metabolic/functional high end MR techniques on both our 3Tesla unit (Siemens Skyra) and 1.5Tesla (Philips Achieva) and these studies include:
1) MR Spectroscopy
This is done for all brain lesions whether neoplastic or non neoplastic and also for all types of neurological diseases including epilepsy, autism, and leukodystrophies.
This is done using single voxel and multi-voxel using various echoes and with high quality post processing.
Spectroscopy of the spinal cord can be also performed particularly on the 3Tesla MR unit.
2) MR Perfusion
This is done by various perfusion methodologies like non contrast perfusion or arterial spin labeling as well as post contrast perfusion such as T1 perfusion (permeability imaging) and T2 perfusion (susceptibility imaging) and also done for brain focal lesions as well as cases of stroke and epilepsy.
Perfusion of the spinal cord is also performed particularly on the 3Tesla MR unit.
3) MR Diffusion Imaging
This is done using traditional diffusion with ADC maps and also as apart of IVIM that acquires true diffusion and pseudo diffusion as well as allowing performance of diffusion kurtosis and perfusion fraction.
4) MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging with MR Tractography
This is done for the brain and spinal cord with qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data and again for brain lesions and for neurological and even psychiatric conditions if needed.
5) Functional MR Studies, which includes:
- Paradigm based functional MRI for brain tumors, epilepsy surgery and arteriovenous malformation and this is done for motor language, visual, auditory and memory functions using special dedicated paradigms.
- Resting State Functional connectivity MRI for neurological and psychiatric conditions like epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, OCD, autism, ADHD and various other disorders. We performed analysis using versus analysis techniques whether seed based analysis and/or independent component analysis with their quantitative data.
- Event related paradigms can also be performed using response pads specially for high cognitive functions.
We have highly experienced team led by Prof.Dr. Yasser Abdel-Azim, Professor of radiology-Ain Shams University, Head of neuro-radiology section at the radiology department-Ain Shams University and Head of MRI section at Misr Radiology Center.
Dr. Reham Essam
Dr. Nada El-Farshouty
Dr. Ahmed Radwan
Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed
Our Prior Experience
-Performed more than 5,000 of such high-end function metabolic MR techniques.
-Long track of research work being performed whether to be featured in journals or to be used for PHD thesis.
We offer our platforms for the referring clinicians whether neurosurgeons or neurologist or psychiatrists as well as non medical referrals from psychologists, learning disability experts and educational experts.