

An ultrasound, also known as a sonogram, is a fast, painless imaging technique that produces images of the internal organs through the use of high-frequency sound waves. MRC provides a wide range of Ultrasound procedures, including “Echo” which can give accurate pictures of the heart muscle, chambers and structures.

It is especially useful for examining the breasts, bladder, thyroid, abdominal organs and male and female reproductive organs, and for obtaining images of the fetus in the womb.

An ultrasound is a noninvasive, simple procedure that can produce images of soft tissues, which often don’t show up well on X-rays. There is no ionizing radiation used during an ultrasound and there are no side effects of the procedure.

An ultrasound can be used to monitor and diagnose a wide range of conditions within nearly any system of the body. This test may be performed on patients experiencing pain, swelling or infection of unknown origin. The images produced by an ultrasound may help to:

  • Assess a breast lump
  • Diagnose problems with abdominal organs
  • Diagnose certain infections or cancers
  • Reveal abnormalities of the muscles
  • Evaluate the heart
  • Check for arterial blockages or aneurysms
  • Assess the thyroid gland
  • Guide a needle during a biopsy
  • Check blood flow
  • Obtain images of a fetus

During an ultrasound procedure, the patient lies down on an examination table and gel is applied to the skin at the area to be imaged. The radiologist then moves a transducer, a special handheld instrument, across this area. The transducer enables sound waves to be transmitted back and forth between the body and the device. The transducer then relays this information to a computer.

The examination usually takes from 10-30 minutes to complete.

Preparing for an ultrasound varies, depending on the objective of the imaging. While many ultrasounds require no preparation whatsoever, some may require fasting for six hours before the test. In addition, patients undergoing ultrasounds of the uterus, ovaries or prostate are required to arrive with a full bladder, as this enables the organs to be viewed more easily. Please call 19773 for more information about the preparation needed for your case.


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